ARC grant success for the dream team

How did complex life arise on Earth? This project will facilitate a leap in knowledge by enhancing our understanding of the origin of complex cells which is a pivotal event in evolution. We will determine the unique nature of Asgard archaea that are found in abundance in ancient rock ecosystems in Shark Bay, WA, that are directly linked to the emergence of higher forms of life. This project will put Australia at the forefront of ground-breaking discoveries on the cell biology of our microbial ancestors. A major project outcome is the significant improvement of education at the society level and an appreciation on how complex cellular organisms originated and evolved. Shark Bay is under threat of climate change, and this project will inform assessments of the sensitivity of these irreplaceable marine environments and support educational programs that promote tourism. This project will foster collaboration with Indigenous rangers in the field in Shark Bay as a genuine two-way exchange of knowledge and best practices with First Nations communities.