Indigenous Engagement

Nhanganha Gutharraguda, Wula guda nyinda

"This is Shark Bay, you come this way.”

This is a welcome in the Malgana language, one of several language groups who are the Traditional Owners in Gathaagudu Country (Shark Bay). There is substantial heritage significance in Shark Bay, with Indigenous values encompassing a range of natural, language, social, and ecological principles. Stromatolites are an important part of Indigenous heritage and we are aiming to involve Indigenous rangers in our field research, to learn from the extensive knowledge in working on Country the different language groups have built up in Shark Bay over time that will ultimately improve our own research practices. 

We have a genuine commitment to improve the understanding and ties of First Nations people to their lands. We value Indigenous knowledge and recognise it is critical to inform and improve our research in the form of two-way exchange of knowledge and best practices.